Shur - Bullock - Wrestle - Gaze - Wall




Shur (soor, shure, shore)
bullock, bull; to wrestle, struggle; to saw; to gaze, look, observe, watch, see; wall, fortification; chain, cord, umbilical; tight-rope dancer; to align; Taurus.

Notaricon: wrestles/c the yoke/w with the head/r; the saw/c and/w the sawyer/r; strength/c upholds/w the watcher/r; a strength/c that maintains/w the king/r.

Gematria, 506/wqt: measurement controlled by a yoke.
Numerological Value, 47/zm: reflection of thrust.
Temurah, cwr/hemlock.

See grain/hr wc ; sing/r yc.




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