


crystal, crystallization

realization :
the process of coming to an understanding

Natural formation  b  of crystals  d  is instructive  l  of the nature of spiritual ascent  j .  In their formation, an interior  b  catalyst  d  promotes  l  the crystallization  j , as suggested by these corollaries: affirmation  b  of an observation  d  promotes change  l  of perspective  j ;     listening  b  to the heart  d  favors  l  eventual agreement  j ; an awareness  b  of fervor d  encourages  l  self-betterment  j ; and, naturally, an accurate b  diagnosis  d  can be followed  l  with appropriate care  j .

 Enlightenment is a process. It is not a magical event, a hard-earned achievement, or a gratuitous condition. The following scripture is taken from a questionable translation, but addresses the process of enlightenment: "Whom will he teach? To whom will he explain his message? To children weaned from their milk, just taken from the breast? For axiom must be upon axiom, and construct upon construct; a hint here, a hint there."

The linear aspect of understanding causes us to imagine that what we “see” is self-evident, conclusive; however, the faculty of perception relies on such stop-action measurements as perspective is able to allow within unstoppable time and must, by its very nature, fall short of an accurate measurement of reality.

True understanding is the gift of process, not a personal accomplishment. For that reason, as the enlightenment presses upon us, we often experience the thrill of a bright instant of clarity, accompanied by a sense of dread; for though the present is foundational to what might be coming, we intuit that the hints we steal from a present moment can never predetermine realities of the future.

Gematria 44  dm:
The flow m is the path d.

 Numerology 26  wk  >  8  j; Targum:  
To be open to the process of restructuring 
k is to welcome w spiritual crystallization j, which arises from the indwelling b love d of the Shepherd, whose guidance promotes l mounting joy j.

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