The Tree of Life...


(horizontal view)

...and the Alefbet


Adam Kadmon

The Twenty-Two Letters





Alef/a (1, 1000)

Bet/b (2)

Gimel/g (3)

Dalet/d (4)

He/h (5)





Waw/w (6)

Zayin/z (7)

Chet/j (8)

Tet/f (9)

Yod/y (10)





Kaf/k (20, 11)

Lamed/l (30, 12)

Mem/m (40, 13)

Nun/n (50, 14)

Samek/s (60, 15)





Ayin/o (70, 16)

Pe/p (80, 17)

Tsade/x (90, 18)

Qof/q (100, 19)

Resh/r (200, 20)

Vertical View


Lowercase Letters

Capital Letters

Greek Alphabet


Alphabet Text

Shin/c (300, 21)

Gematria Interpretations

Proto-Canaanite to Modern-Arabic Conversion

Taw/t (400, 22)
