The Projection of Noah

Beware n of the privileged point of view j: souls beset by errors are called: sinners, not saints. The notion n that we are walled in, as kept separate j, because of personal n favor or accomplishment j will delay n ascent j. Spiritual and natural man n are brothers j, after all. We can’t deny n fraternity j with those who yet stumble n, ascribing to ourselves illusory differences j. To the contrary, we must recognize those who yet seem to lag behind n as the friends and companions they are j.

Gematria 58  jn:
Abandon n pretense j, if you would wear n the mantle j of an enlightened one n. Be worthy of the rungs of Jacob’s Ladder j.

Numerology  22  bk  >  11  ay  >  4  d:
Unrest k within the soul b is a reaching hand y that would slam shut a the doors of your heart d

Targum: As a Son of Man n, your rightful place is among your brothers, your peers j.
595 Year
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