


conversive : fourth of Eden's rivers;
the Waters of Life are re-gathered as the captivating “Euphrates,"
the river that waters Earth in its entirety (no "geographical location");

Known as Euphrates, River Perat marshals the waters of Truth by means of its tides p. Sourced r in the macrocosm t, its wide bands calm the soul, conveying utterances p  of the Master r of Infinity t. Man’s expressions p originate r elsewhere t; for what we speak p is determined by the mind's r measurement of mere instants of time t, which either permit or disallow p thought r to reach the specificity t of words.

We are awash in the currents of Eden. Alone and together, we dip our heads at the banks of Pison nwcyp, lifting them in the realizations of Gihon nwjyg. As confidence in understanding increases our comfort, we settle our heads again, lowering them tentatively towards rushing Hiddekel lqdj: first, to sip, and then, to drink. We find rest at the wider pools of River Euphrates trp, where we are free to drink deeply, and to our fill, that we may satisfy our thirst.

Gematria 680  prt;
59  fn  >  14  dy  >  5  d; 
The Living Waters of Eden foster renewal 
t of the mind r through the medium of unceasing prayer p. Be determined n to measure, to integrate f, and to make good use y of what appears d within your heart d as you drink p of the Rivers r of Infinity t.

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