nwrxj     Hezron     חצרון

Walled in by enthusiasm, methodical Chetzron cordons off j unruly x thoughts r and unrealistic w expectations n. Hoping j to escape x the adversity r that plagues him w, inwardly n, he commits himself j to pursue x knowledge r as remedy w for ignorance n, hoping to hurdle its barriers j and escape x the pressure r of the inertia w that so limits his potential n.

Gematria 354 dnc:
His spirit c hungers n for recognition d.

Numerology 66  ws  >  12  by  >  3  g:
He wants to be a dependable s champion w, a benefactor y to souls b on the move g.

Targum: His ambition to ascend j will have setbacks x; for it is Messiah r who bears the burdens w of Sons of Man n.


Stepping Stones
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