
 Single Column Paleo Torah

Interlinear Genesis
One Column; Paleo and Modern Scripts

Interlinear Torah
Two Columns; Paleo and Modern Scripts

 Single Column Paleo Tanakh

see note below
Two Columns

Paleo Genesis

Paleo Exodus

Paleo Leviticus

Paleo Numbers

Paleo Deuteronomy

The Crown Diamond of the Tree of Life:
The Measurement of the Tabernacle of David

   Nod, its People and its Times: (spread format)
  An Understanding of Congruence  (printable format)

The Gospel of Marcos

The Gospel of Yahuchanan

2-Column Paleo Bereshith, "back to front"


Flash Cards Dictionaries Memes


For Reference: Some Hebrew-Canon files were damaged without my knowledge.
They are what they are.

1Chronicles 1-column Genesis Ezra Jeremiah Lamentations Psalms
2Chronicles 1-column Exodus Ezekiel Job Malachi Ruth
1Kings 1-column Leviticus Habakkuk Joel Micah Song of Solomon
2Kings 1-column Numbers Haggai Jonah Nahum Zechariah
Amos 1-column Deuteronomy Hosea Joshua Obadiah Zephaniah
Daniel Esther Isaiah Judges Proverbs Tanakh
Hebraic Emblems Interpretations of the Sinaitic Hebrew Character Set 22 pp. 8.5x11 pdf  
Paleo Flash Cards alphanumeric properties
zip format
BHM Paleo Hebrew Dictionary
first edition


PC TrueType Font, zip format

Mac TrueType Font .zip format
