The Star Cave:
Stars on a String


Physician, heal yourself.

Two cords support life in the physical body: the silver (understanding) and the golden (wisdom). The silver serves the temporal nepesh/soul. The golden serves the celestial body that is in the process of development, the ayesh/soul-atom. The silver is Spirit. The golden is Fire. Those born of the Spirit baptism can measure the silver cord. Those born of the Fire baptism can measure the golden cord.

The body, as chrysalis of the soul, inhales the Breath of Life to form the nepesh soul and exhales the neshamah soul as it moves through life's experiences. A third cord is forming in each of us and is woven together with the silver and the gold, growing in tandem with the formation the neshamah/soul. This third cord is bronze/scarlet, depicting knowledge gained from the lessons of life. When the neshamah is fully and properly formed, its three-strand cord is not easily broken.

The silver cord seats itself in the heart. The golden cord seats itself in the lions. Both carry messages to and fro along the chakras, spanning the gulf between the heavens and earth through the services of the brain (oven). The golden cord is the right-hand branch of the Tree of Life, leading to Wisdom by virtue of Chesed/Mercy; the silver cord is the left-hand branch of the Tree, leading to Understanding through the lessons of Din/Judgment. The bronze cord, which, uncoils from the developing soul, as from a turban of swaddling cloth, is the mortal journeyman upon the Tree's central pillar. Until the mortal turban and the immortal crown are one-- until the perfected should puts on immortality, we live and move and have our beings because we are covered by the skirts of HaShem.

Four worlds, three bodies: the composite soul body belongs to the worlds/realms of water (nepesh) and air (neshamah). The ayesh body (angel) belongs to the world/realm of Fire/Light. The physical body belongs only to the Earth realm, but in it all four worlds are conjoined.

The emblems of the stars of the churches of Asia are given for the exercise of Spirit and Fire within the body to expedite formation of the neshamah, which is the soul component that shall, in its perfection, put on immortality. Knowledge, the alloy belonging to the bronze cord, fuels the process of growth and consummated in the birth of the Son of Man.

Pentagram Meditations:

When you are consciously in the Spirit, the lower bowls within the body will fill and then overflow, the floodwaters rising to fill bowls at higher levels, the process continuing until the seven stars are completely defined within you. You may try to anticipate the filling and to expedite the movements of the floodwaters, but this is not the way. Blessed are they who wait upon YHWH.

Hexagram Meditations:

The upright triangle pertains to the Shekinah of Father and Mother, and the inverted triangle pertains to Children of Elohim. Beckoning to each of us from beyond Kether, YHWH awaits the marriage of Bride and Groom. As their union is acknowledged, the soul is ready to grow into congruence with the full measurement of the triangle pertaining to the Bridegroom, the true measurement of the Shekinah. The triangle/dalet of the Shekinah/Door is an expedient focus. The human door/heart is not because of the cacophony of incarnation.



  Churches of Asia
