hdwhy     Judah     יהודה

A humble y person recognizes h Truth w because of  his love d of Life h. Should he encounter y great sorrow h, he will consider w whether or not his own perceptions of suffering d will exacerbate h, deplenish y, or relieve h apparent burdens w, knowing that secret pains are the base d of visible annoyances h.

Avoiding y sudden h judgments w, his love d will shine h. An open door, he will assist y those who are yet captive h to their desires w, their grief d, their shame h.

Gematria 30 l;
Numerology 30
   l  >  3  g;

Targum: Judah is a shepherd l, a guide l for the path g; and he will share y those things that are revealed to him h with joyful w excitement d and enthusiasm h.

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