bqoy     Jacob     יעקב

You will meet with y realizations o that will threaten q your soul b as you engage y the darkness o that yet lingers q within you b. Awareness will betray y understandings o and will drain you q of resolve b, tempting you to forsake y much that you now treasure o.

Such darkness is as a ceiling that would block further progress by smothering q your soul with claims b that you have forfeited y your right to the promise o of sanctification: its shadows will bog you down q with idolatrous concerns about appearances b, reawakening y the hateful twins of jealousy o and arrogance q within your soul b.

Gematria 182  bpq:
Detractors q will express p their affinity b in private q, then publicly mock your character p to any who care to listen b.

Numerology 47  zm  >  11  ay  >  2  b:
Remember m the purpose of spiritual warfare z. If you are to serve y in the Father’s a house b,

Targum: you must be prepared y to lay siege o to the darkness q that resides in every soul, including your own b.

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