fpchy     Jehoshaphat     יהשפט

Humble people y have advantages h that proud, haughty people  c cannot allow p. Empathy f offers a way y to avoid h conflict c because it’s incompatible p with prejudice f.

When you entrusted yourself to the Father’s care, you entered y into his rest h. Allow, therefore, the Breath of Wisdom c to spread p from your center to your extremities, both physical and spiritual f. His rest will provide needed y relief h as you are swept up in adversarial c conversations p or interactions f.

Gematria 403  gt:
The signature outcome t of altercation g . . .

Numerology 61  as  >  16 wy  >  7  z:
. . . is the stress s of hostility a, a betrayal y of faith w that will delay perfection z

Targum: Utilize y what you discern h of Wisdom c, and you can face p any contingency f.

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