hyba     Abiyah     אביה

The start of a fall isn’t always so apparent, and abrupt perceptions a of downward spirals b can cause y panic h. Hasty a introspection b might promise y quick relief h, but soul-searching is a hit-and-miss endeavor; for what is past can only complicate the future a with concern b about the constraints y of time h. Worry leads, at best, to impulsive a reforms b whose likely result y is disappointment h.

Gematria 18 jy; Numerology 18  jy  >  9  f:
It’s quite natural to attempt y reform j by implementing actions y that are deliberate j and targeted f.

Targum: Just as naturally, the ego a is quick to reject b the simplicity of humble y regret h.

Abijah believed he had been given a mandate to reclaim for Judah the tribes that had seceded with Ephraim during his father’s reign. That their departure was the will of HaShem was unthinkable; so he waged war in the name of religion and under a pretense of piety.

Both melachim were guilty of much, but Aviyah condemned Ephrayim while overlooking the errors of Yehudah. His hypocrisy blinded him to the role of Hashem in the affairs of both houses.

Unable a to accept b that the hand y of HaShem had uprooted Israel m, separating a it from the house b of Judah, Aviyam intended to reclaim y its people m for himself a; for he coveted b Ephraim as a possession y with great lust m. Thus, he launched attacks a upon its tribes b for profit y, without regard m

Gematria 53 gn:
for the devastation n that would follow g

Numerology 26  wk  >  8  j:
the disorderly plunder k sure to attach to the sacrifice w of his distant brethren j.

Targum: Before losing his great war, he clamored about Principle to justify his aggression a, but his true and selfish motive b, as foretold by Moses, was to gather y the spoil m. You cannot serve God and worldly power.

Stepping Stones
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